In a world where magic intertwined with the mundane, there was a hidden tree nestled among all other trees and creatures living in Waiteramoa Reserve.
The Healing Tree held a special significance, with its own tale of wonder and mystery. It also had deep roots that propagated in places where help was urgently needed.
Those roots became little creatures called Kaitiaki. They protect these places and help those who are strong and brave enough to engage with change to help preserve the future of our environment and Planet.
Little did anyone know that the Healing Tree alongise the Kaitiaki, scattered across the world connected by an ancient, mystical force, waiting for a moment when its power would be needed most.
Kiatiaki helps black bird to encounter the Tree.
Contamination in the water combined sewage systems. is a concern that the habitants of the Waiteramoa Reserve face.
Kauri dieback disease is a big problem Fantail is enduring. The protector must encourage Fantail to find a solution. Otherwise, it will have devastating effects on the Kauri forest in Wenderholm Regional Park.
Kauri dieback disease is a big problem Fantail is enduring. The protector must encourage Fantail to find a solution. Otherwise, it will have devastating effects on the Kauri forest in Wenderholm Regional Park.
It brings Kororā the help and guidance she needs to claim her land back and that way she must protect her home and future of her species located in Pūtiki Bay.